User Registration |
Some parts of this forum may require you to be logged in and registered. Registration is free and takes a few minutes to complete.
You are encouraged to register; once you register you will be able to post messages, set your own preferences, and maintain a profile. Some of the features that generally require registration are subscriptions, changing of styles, accessing of your Personal Pad (simple notepad) and emailing forum members. |
Setting |
It's currently autumn in Sunnyvale, California.
The mutant population is drastically increasing across the world, yet their existence is considered a myth. SC is an original character RPG that explores what the world was like before mutants were publicly known! |
SC Staff |
Buffy & TC |
Gameplay Links |
Setting & Plot Sunnyvale Groups PB List Galleries IC Shoutbox |
Site News |
Oct 30th
SC has been rebooted on a new forum! Nov 4th New board added for the Haven group! -- 2013 -- Feb 27th Stay tuned...! May 1st Stay tuned for real! Changes are coming soon. ;) |
Shoutbox |
This shoutbox is OOC. The admins prefer for questions to be asked on the Questions board and not in the shoutbox. Thanks. |
If you were a member on the old site and need your character information, feel free to PM an admin! |